Parasites in the intestines of humans: symptoms, how to eliminate them, photo

what parasites are in humans

Intestinal worms can appear in humans in different ways. The most common routes of infection are contact with an infected animal or eating poorly processed foods. No one is safe from infection. Helminthic invasion (damage to the body by duct tape, round and flatworms) leads to poor health and, in some cases, to serious complications. The problem must be tackled.

Modern drugs allow you to remove worms from the small and large intestine to stop their negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It is very important to know how you can try to protect yourself against infections.

Causes of helminthic invasion

The causative agents of the invasion are worms living in the intestines, which can be of different types. They invade the body, and over time the intestinal parasites become more and more numerous. These organisms take root in the human body, multiply there, feed on substances entering the body. Due to their fault, a person can lack important nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates, trace elements, vitamins. When invading, pathogens pass from the larval stage to full-fledged worms, seriously affecting the condition of the body. Parasites live a long time in the human intestine and do not go away without treatment.

You can be infected with worms as follows:

  1. By food.Worms are often found on the surface of unwashed fruits and vegetables. Some types of parasites (cattle and pork tapeworms) leave larvae in the meat. If it is not fried, the larvae will move around the human body and begin to develop there.
  2. contact-household manner.Touching door handles in public places, handrails and other items without observing hygiene skills, a person is at risk of invasion. The contact method is by catching the disease by shaking hands with an infected person, and the home method is infection from dirty dishes or other household items.
  3. By animals.Some types of parasites in the rectum use four-legged friends as intermediate hosts. The larvae are transmitted by contact with a pet. It can happen with hugs, with an unexpected "kiss". A dog can bring roundworm eggs on its paws by scooping them up from the ground outside.

With parasites in the intestines, the symptoms and causes of the disease may be different. The main reason for the onset of infection is improper hygiene. With proper personal care, regular hand washing and handling of fresh food, the risk of infection is greatly reduced.

Types of worms

types of parasites in the human body

What parasites live in the intestines? The body is infected not with one or two, but with several different types of worms. They can coexist in the intestine at the same time, but most often the worms in humans are found separately.

The main classification of worms is by their appearance. The parasites are intestinal, the symptoms are similar.

Important!Only a doctor can determine what type of worm has affected the gastrointestinal tract. You cannot try to define the disease yourself.

There are three main types of worms:

  • tape;
  • flat;
  • are round.

Tapeworms in the intestines are distinguished by a segmented body and semi-flat shape, which is why helminths get their name (see photo). The round parasites in the human intestine seem the closest to a standard earthworm. They are translucent, with a white or colorless body through which the main vessel shines. Tapeworms are usually oval in shape, sometimes slightly segmented. The length of any type can be from 10 mm to 10 meters. There are many different parasites in the small intestine, some of which are much smaller.

Experts identify more than 10 types of helminthic invasion, which are based on various pathogens. The most common type is ascariasis, which is infection with roundworms 15 to 40 cm long with characteristic abdominal pain and intoxication. But there are other options:

  1. Trichocephalosis.The causative agent is the whipworm. Vlasoglav is one of the most versatile worms. It enters the cecum and the large and small intestines. The main symptoms are dizziness, vomiting, nausea, and other signs of worms and poisoning. Parasites that live in the small intestine are easily eliminated by drugs.
  2. Teniarinhoz.It is the development of bovine tapeworm in the human body. This worm is transmitted by meat products and large domestic animals. As a result, there is constant intoxication of the body and pain in the abdominal cavity.
  3. Metagonimosis.One of the most dangerous forms of parasites in the human intestine, requiring urgent elimination. It is caused by a fluke, which can cause inflammation of the intestines. Infection occurs from untreated fish.
  4. symptoms of the presence of parasites in the human intestine
  5. Trichinellosis.The most severe form, resulting in the death of the patient in the event of prolonged absence of treatment. The causative agent, Trichinella, can enter internal organs from the intestines and seriously disrupt their work. Due to the increased activity of the parasite, pain is felt not only in the abdomen, but also in the muscles. As an allergic reaction, conjunctivitis begins.

There are more than a dozen variants of worms and the groups of diseases they cause - 10. They are difficult to distinguish from each other, even for specialists, so you should not make a diagnosisyourself. This will only lead to improper treatment and an increase in negative symptoms. Only a highly qualified doctor with special equipment can correctly recognize the type of helminth, since intestinal parasites have similar symptoms (teniarchosis and trichocephalosis are difficult to distinguish).

Consequences of helminthic invasion

With a long absence of treatment, various complications are possible. The kidneys, bile ducts and some internal organs are affected. Even the heart and brain are at risk if the symptoms are not noticed in time with dangerous parasites in the intestines.

Pay attention!If you suspect a severe helminthic invasion with damage to internal organs, contact a specialist should be immediate. The parasite can be fatal at any time if the case is overlooked. Symptoms and treatment should be monitored by a doctor.

The main complication of advanced helminthic invasion are withdrawal symptoms. It is a constant state of poisoning. The patient feels weak, cannot be active, suffers from episodes of vomiting and dizziness. These signs will only disappear with the complete removal of the parasite from the body.

During the research, other consequences of the infection were also identified:

consequences of parasite infestation
  • the skin becomes much thinner, becomes covered with viral growths (papillomas), takes an unhealthy color;
  • due to the developing vitamin deficiency, hair, nails become thinner and break, bones become more fragile;
  • the person experiences constant drowsiness;
  • due to changes in the nervous system, the infected person may become more aggressive;
  • In severe cases, the invasion is fatal.

Death is likely if the problem is ignored for several years. During this time, helminths have time to grow to significant sizes and begin to actively eat nutrients, almost completely removing them from humans.

Symptoms of the invasion

Helminthic invasion is already evident in the early stages of development. The longer the parasite is in a state of development, the more pronounced the symptoms of worms in humans.

There are a number of non-specific traits that do not distinguish invasion from other diseases. The symptoms of parasites in the intestines are numerous. The most common are:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • feeling tired;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • rectal inflammation;
  • constipation.

A specific symptom rare in other conditions is stray abdominal pain. She "walks" in the intestines, while stabbing several places at once. The reason for this is the movement and active activity of parasites. Parasites in the intestines show symptoms of poisoning or intoxication, making diagnosis of the disease difficult.

Diagnosis of the disease

how to recognize the presence of parasites in the body

The disease, first of all, must be differentiated from similar gastrointestinal problems. It is necessary to distinguish it from ordinary poisoning, infection, appendicitis. Differentiation occurs on the basis of data obtained from the history. For more accurate results, it is recommended to undergo an additional check on the type of worm.

How do I know if there are parasites? You can find the exact type of parasite using stool analysis. Parasites that live in the human large intestine secrete eggs which are passed out in the stool. Experts find helminth eggs there and determine what type of parasite they belong to. Based on the data obtained, processing is carried out.

Tip:go to a specialist with a ready-to-use stool analysis and to maximize the speed of the procedure, order a check-up at a paid medical center. This will allow you to know your diagnosis as soon as possible and to know if there are any worms.

When diagnosing, anamnesis is collected, irrigoscopy is performed and palpation of the abdominal region. The latter allows you to assess the degree of bodily injury. In case of serious deviations, a person may be sent for further examinations. There they will find out how dangerous damage to internal organs is and if it is present. After that, therapy is prescribed, the main function of which is to cleanse the intestines at home. You can also determine the diagnosis with a colonoscopy of the abdomen.

Therapy course

How to remove parasites? You need to clean your bowels at home. The infection is treated by killing the parasites. To combat them, specialized preparations against parasites are used.

The choice of medication for parasites in the intestines should be based on the type of worm. Most drugs are complex tablets, that is, they allow you to fight both roundworms, tapeworms and tapeworms. The drugs work in a slightly different way.

Conditions for getting rid of worms

how to remove parasites from the body

Drug treatment usually only takes a day or two to fully recover the body. Many anthelmintics are sufficient to be used once, at most - twice.

But this rule only applies to specialized drugs, after which the symptoms of worms in an adult disappear almost instantly. Food supplements are taken at different intervals.

Dietary supplements are effective when taken for about a month. The optimal duration of the course is one and a half months. After that, a break is made for at least two months, if necessary, after this period the drug is repeated.

Biologically active additives and specialty drugs can be used repeatedly, but when reusing, be sure to consult a doctor. Treatment of parasites with folk remedies is not recommended.

Infection prevention

Infestation with worms is easily avoided with simple hygiene practices. First of all, experts recommend limiting contact with untested animals and improving food hygiene. All vegetables, fruits, herbs and other products should be washed. On their surface there may be helminth larvae invisible to the human eye. When frying, the meat should be brought to a state of readiness, while killing any parasites.

It is important to follow the basic rules of personal hygiene:

  • the brush used to clean the teeth must be separated;
  • the same goes for body towels;
  • after eating, the dishes for you or your household should be washed;
  • cannot eat from someone else's dirty plate;
  • Hands should be washed after going outside, handling pets and before eating.
prevention of parasitic infections

Following the ground rules will allow you to forget about the invasion problem forever. As a guarantee of health, prophylactic formulations can be taken. Before buying any herbal dietary supplement, which will provide constant protection of the body, you should consult your doctor.

Cleansing the intestines of worms is an extremely important procedure for the health and well-being of the patient. People who have parasites in their bodies cannot live fully.

It is also useful in cleansing the body for preventive purposes: it also helps to eliminate toxins using cleansing techniques. With timely therapy, helminthic invasion is not dangerous.